About Us




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Enjoy all that the Great Smoky Mountains has to offer to our millions of guests and our friendly locals.



About Lovin’ Life in the Smokies

Seeking a community organization that would stand  out from the rest, we established Lovin’ Life in the Smokies. Our club is dedicated to savoring the distinctive offerings of the Smoky Mountains, as well as facilitating opportunities for socializing, networking, and community support.

Our Vision & Mission

At Lovin’ Life in the Smokies, our mission is to celebrate and preserve the unique cultural, natural, and social treasures of the Smoky Mountains. We achieve this by creating a welcoming and inclusive community of individuals who share a passion for the region, and by providing opportunities for socializing, networking, and giving back to our neighbors. Through our activities and initiatives, we aim to enhance the quality of life in the Smokies and promote its sustainable development for future generations.


Our Members Satisfaction

Lovin’ Life in the Smokies offers different levels of service to all of our members through listings, blogs, marketing, and networking.

Lovin' Life in the Smokies is a continual labor of love. I love sharing experiences, knowledge, and local favorites to everyone who is curious about my Smoky Mountains.

    Missy Norris
    Missy Norris

    This is the greatest Hospitality & Tourism region in the World & #LLIS offers true exposure to exactly who I am trying to connect with!!

      Joy Maples
      Joy Maples